PBC Preset Show Pages


Active Member
Hi Ron,

One more issue I’m struggling with. I can’t seem to fix it on my own. As I mentioned previously, I recently uploaded the latest firmware and I’m using the new editor.

Preset “Show Page” edit

I have roughly 160 presets all assigned to songs. Typically, when I switch songs I can hit any one of the assigned presets and it will execute that preset and stay in “preset mode”. However, I now have an issue where by when I press a preset, it executes the parameters of that preset but the immediately switches to “Loops” mode. I obviously want to stay in preset mode. I’m not show why or how this is doing that. I’ve done some troubleshooting with features I normally don’t mess with.

First, do you have any idea what is going on? Secondly, can you explain further how the following functions work? I can’t seem to understand how they function even after reading the manual. Changing settings and enabling these setting doesn’t seem to do anything.


1.) Show Page (at the top) - I assumed that you can assign which page will be display on the PBC (i.e. 1=Presets, 2=IA Loops, 3=Switches, etc)

2.) Local Page (at the top)

3.) Display preset’s default page (at the bottom)


I noted this statement in the "Show Page" section of the online manual.

Show Page - Selects which button page should be displayed when the preset is loaded. Please note that this setting has no effect if Auto Page Select in the Globals Tab is not turned on. Possible values are:
  • 1-16 - Displays the selected page
  • Local Page - Displays the local button page (if Local Page is turned on)
  • Same - Stay on the same page - don't change pages
So I tried turning ON "Auto Page Select" in the Global Tab. I didn't see any affect. Still need help.
Hi Ron,

Well, I think I may have figure out this particular issue. You added a feature that indicates when a button is supposed to be executed/enabled…whatever…You added brackets to the name of the button like this “>Loops<”. This seems to be a new feature. It was hard to see at first but I noticed that many of my presets now included “> <” around the “Loops” name/button. When you click the name the brackets go away. I assume that the preset is not just changing the settings in the preset but if these brackets are present then the button function is pushed. Correct?

I’m now going through all my presets to make sure that these brackets are not around the loop button. It seems to be there for about half the presets.

Stay tuned, let’s see if I got this right.

If this is right then please confirm. I can still use a little help understanding how and why to use "Show Page"', Local Page" and Display Preset's default page" functions.
HI Chris,

You're correct, the Loops button was getting programmed to turn on automatically. Any button that selects a page should have it's Momentary checkbox turned on and the Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change checkboxes turned off. This prevents the button from automatically triggering when you change presets. It also prevents it from staying on after you press it. A page change button should just trigger once when pressed and not remain on like a button that controls a loop would.

Regarding the other settings:

"Show Page" - indicates which page should automatically be selected when you load this preset. This only has an effect when "Auto Page Select" is turned on in Global settings. We have Auto Page select turned off by default. It seems to make less sense to use this setting on the PBC, where on the GT we default to having this feature turned on.

"Local page" - indicates that the current preset has its own button page that's separate from the "normal" global button pages.

"Display preset's default page" - this one makes the virtual PBC display on the Presets tab automatically show whatever page is set by the "Show Page" selector above. It does for the editor what "Auto Page Select" does for the actual PBC.

It seems that all of the problem you were seeing came from the Loops button, and not the other settings.
OK, I'm back at this. Just a few more questions. You state....

"Any button that selects a page should have it's Momentary checkbox turned on"

Is that the "Button Mode" pull down button on the button settings page? It's currently set to "HOLD". I assume it should be set to "NORMAL"? Please confirm. I should also do this to the "Switches" button as well?

Next, you state...

"Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change check boxes turned off"

I've done this for the "Loops/Preset" button. I assume I should do this for the "Switches" button as well? Should I do the same for "Mute", "Bank Up", and "Bank Down" buttons?

Thanks in advance for your help.
The Momentary setting is in the full edit screen that you get when you double click the button. The Normal / Hold (Mode) setting is different - it determines if the button has a second function that activates when you hold it for two seconds.

Yes, any button that switches pages (has a System / Page action) should have Send/update on preset turned off. Bank Up / Bank Down don't matter - those settings only affect IA buttons. You might want to leave them on for the Mute button. This will make the Mute button automatically turn off when you switch presets.