PBC Song Tempo - multiple midi devices - potential issue?


Active Member
I've been assigning tempo to the songs, that way I can re-use presets on the Strymon TimeLine. But I've been having an issue with this. Every time the tempo is sent, the "pre-delay" of the reverbs on the BigSky also change, same thing with the Mobius and this is something I don't want.

Is there a way to avoid this? Perhaps send tempo on a specific MIDI channel?

Thanks for the help!
MIDI tempo isn't sent on a channel - it's kind of a global message that is received by any pedal that will listen. The Mobius has a setting to disable MIDI clock, not sure about the BigSky (although it's pretty weird that it responds to clock at all...)
I turned off the MIDI clock on the BigSky and everything is fine now. Thanks so much, go ahead and delete this post if you prefer to.
Actually I think this is still happening, at least with the Mobius. The BigSky is all good but this is what's happening:
When scrolling trough presets on the PBC, there are two "Tremolo" presets that recall two different presets on the Mobius. For some reason when on "Setlist" mode if a song has these tremolo presets their tempo changes which is not something I want right now. I made sure I'm not sending any specific MIDI message to change anything related to tempo when engaging these presets. They are just recalling presets from the Mobius, so maybe the "Song Tempo" is changing their tempo? Even though the Mobius has "MIDI Clock" turned off. I'm not sure what is happening and I need to figure this out because I have a gig this weekend and I need one of those tremolo preset.
A workaround in this case would be to not recall the preset on the Mobius but just turn on its loop and have the tremolo engaged before hand. I think it's the only presets from it I will need on this gig.
Any thoughts?
I recommend asking Strymon about this. If it's responding to MIDI clock, but MIDI clock is turned off in the settings, it sounds like a bug in the Mobius firmware.
so it turned out that the Mobius needed to be set to Global Tap which in its manual says:
"Allows the last tapped tempo to affect all presets regardless of the tempo saved in the preset". I think I had turned off this in the past because I wanted the presets to have their own tempo. This fix didn't make much sense to me (yet) but it worked.