PBC10 Line Mixer question


Well-Known Member
Got a question about the line mixer in the PBC10. I'm intending to use delays and reverbs in loops 7-10, all parallel. From reading the manual, I think I am correct in thinking that loops 7-10, when run in parallel, are mixed at unity with the dry signal? Therefore, if each of those loops is run in parallel, the order of effects in those loops doesn't matter? I usually run delays into reverbs, but from my understanding of how the line mixer works, I'm basically sandwiching my delays and reverbs (and the dry signal) on top of each other, so order doesn't really matter? For board ergonomic/how my brain works reasons, I would like to have loops 7-10 go Reverb, Delay, Reverb, Delay.
You are right they will run parallel so the order does not matter. If you usually run delays into reverb, why not put the Reverb in the last loop so you can still run your delay in series in some presets and have it feed your reverb …
The reason for the order is that I have always tried to arranged my pedals to visually follow the signal flow, right to left/in to out. So reverbs have always been to the left of the board, delays next to them. Having arranged them this way for twenty years, I'm loathe to change.
Secondly, the layout I mentioned (even though it isn't exactly what I would usually do) is partly dictated by what I need to go where, from a board layout/wiring perspective.
Thirdly, I want the pedals physical layout on the board to be mirrored by the loop footswitches 7-10. That way I don't have to think or make sure I read the labels or anything, I know that the left hand button (loop 7) on that top row will activate the left pedal of my "verb/dly/verb/dly" row.
I hope that makes sense.

As I run everything in parallel 99% of the time, I think it will be fine.