Peavey Jsx w/ Effect Gizmo


New Member
I'm just trying to get a confirmation from you guys. Reading the effect gizmo's manual it looks like it will be possible to change my jsx channels (via special cable) using any of the loops 9-12. Not sure if the jsx has momentary or latching switching but it said it could be used for both. Trying to get the least expensive solution with the most amount of loops for pedals which this method if possible would leave me with 10 loops for pedals and 2 taken up for channel switching.
Has any one used the jsx or even xxx with the effect gizmo for channel switch?
If you can get the correct cable built, it'll work fine. You'll need 2 loops to control the channels and one for the amp's effects loop. We don't like to make these kind of cables - they're kind of a pain and end up being fragile. However, we can provide pinouts if you want to make them yourself.
Surely the best way to do it would be to short the effects loop contact, leaving it permanently on, then just use a TRS jack socket (which you could connect to a couple of loops on the Effect Gizmo via a basic insert type cable) on the other end. I'm pretty sure they're latching, btw, although it's a long time since I had my JSX.

Basically as per but if you used an inline socket rather than a plug it'd be easier to then use with a standard off-the-shelf insert cable.