Polymoon not changing tempo


Hi, I’m probably missing something silly but I just tried to set my polymoon up with midi for the first time. The presets change fine. But for some reason I can’t get the tempo to change. I was cycling through presets I have on the pbc and it changed presets but the tempos weren’t changing even though the songs have different tempos set. But if I turned the time knob on the polymoon and changed the preset, it would change the tempo back on the polymoon to the tempo it was stuck at before. The tempo is also set to global on the pedal. I’ll send an email to meris to see if it’s anything on that end but is there anything I could be missing? I’m updated to the later firmware on the pbc. Thanks very much!
I think actually the reason the tempo changes back after I’ve turned the time knob is that it’s going back to the tempo that has been tapped into the polymoon previously. Not 100% sure though