Presets on one page affect other pages


Active Member
I guess I've missed something in setting up the GT to control two devices, an Axe II and an Effects Gizmo.

The Axe is set up on page one, works fine. The EG was easily installed on page two. Kudos on making this so easy.

However I expected to flip between pages for discrete control of the two devices, but if I select a preset on the Axe page, it changes the selections on the EG page. (I select an amp output on the EG page, return to the Axe page and select a preset, and my amp selection is forgotten.)

What did I miss?

Thanks in advance.
Presets are global, so changing a preset on one page is the same as changing a preset on a different page. Also, each preset affects all devices, regardless of which page is visible.

Hmmm... preset selection for individual devices... I'll add that to the "to think about" list (the precursor to the "to do" list). You can do this in a very limited fashion using IA buttons that are set to send program changes, but you can't make that work with the bank up/down buttons (not yet at least).
Wow, I hope I didn't get this so completely wrong. May I try explaining again?

I'm not using the "bank up/down" buttons to change pages. I'm using the upper right corner (in an Axe setup) red button to change to page 2 on the GT.

When I do that, I see the Effects Gizmo button layout I installed there using the setup routine in the GT's firmware. The green presets for the Axe remain across the bottom of that page, I get that, they're global. But I want EG control selections made on that page to survive when I do things on other pages.

Are you saying for example that if I have a number of switching devices and pedal-selection configurations loaded into different pages of the GT, that EVERY ONE of the Axe presets I might use must be re-saved with a desired configuration-of-that-moment of ALL other devices loaded in the GT too? To run Axe preset #1 through one amp sometimes, and another amp at other times, that I need two copies of Axe preset #1? If sometimes pedals (especially multi-voiced Eventide pedals) are needed with one amp, sometimes with another, then each possible configuration of them must also be saved into separate presets? OMG!

I get how powerful that would be for someone with the time and need to pre-plan sets and go on tour with them. But that's not me.

I bought the GT as a way of controlling a rack full of devices with one pedal set, allowing me to easily choose on-the-fly what sounds I want from the various devices I'm controlling with it. If simply selecting a different Axe preset is going to blow away everything I've temporarily selected on all other pages/devices being controlled with the GT, and there's nothing I can do about that, I'm in big trouble with my plan.

Could you consider adding something (soon) to firmware that would allow people like me to protect a given device/page from changes by the preset buttons? Otherwise I'm buggered with the GT.
Ok, I think I understand now. If you want the preset buttons to affect only the Axe-Fx, and have the Effect Gizmo loop state only change when you press one of the "Loop 1" through "Loop 12" buttons, you can do the following:

Go to the Edit Buttons page, and for each button that controls the Effect Gizmo:
1). Select the button
2). Press More Settings
3). Turn both "SndOnPrst" and "UpdOnPrst" OFF

Now, in Edit Devices, select the Effect Gizmo, then More Settings, and turn ""CC On Prst" and "Send PC" OFF.

This should prevent any change from occurring on the Effect Gizmo when you change presets, but will keep the IA buttons able to control your Effect Gizmo loops when you press them.

1. When editing buttons, I can turn SndOnPrst off but there is no setting UpdOnPrst visible to turn off.

2. Having changed the SndOnPrst setting for all twelve LOOP buttons on the Effect Gizmo, and changed the Effect Gizmo's two settings under Edit Devices as instructed, the behavior remains the same. I can select one amp or the other using EG buttons on page 2 of the GT, and the amp begins to sound as expected. At the instant I select any preset button, the amp goes silent and the EG button goes to a non-selected state.
Okay, the UpdOnPrst might be called "Local Update" I think I changed the name several times over the past few versions before settling on one, and now I'm so confused I can't remember which name I ended up with. :) Whatever it's called, it's the setting just to the right of "SndOnPrst".

As for the EG still changing when the preset changes, do you have more than one MIDI device on the same channel? That's one possible explanation that I can think of .
OK, LocalUpdate set to off for all EG buttons and confirmed that Axe and EG are on different MIDI channels (2 and 3). Still no joy.

On the GT, MIDI RxCh was set to default None. However MIDI Bidir was set to ON! I would not have deliberately turned that on - I didn't know what it was until moments ago. Is ON the default setting?

Since the EG is not the first device in my MIDI chain, I turned MIDI Bidir to off and voila! Selecting a preset no longer turns off both my amps.

Thanks again for your help.