Program button to go to Specific Page?


Active Member
So I'm attempting to make Page 2 of mt GT my Axe-Fx's "Scenes" Page, and I'm trying to program a button on Page 1 called "Scenes" that will take me to the Scenes page.

I'm setting the button as a "Label" type, then setting the function to System->Page->2 in the editor, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Any ideas?
A Label button doesn't do anything at all when pressed - it's just a label. Set the button type to IA and it should start working.

When setting up buttons that switch pages, I recommend turning both "Send on Preset Change" and "Update on Preset Change" off and "Momentary" on. This makes sure that the button doesn't stay on after you release it, and that it doesn't automatically trigger on preset changes.