Rack Gizmo and Effect Gizmo together


How could I hook up a rack gizmo driving 8 effects in front of an amp and the effect gizmo handling 12 effects in the same amp's loop?

Also, how would both units be wired so that a guitar is only plugged into the rack gizmo and able to use all 20 loops from both units? Do they need to be on separate midi channels?

Would appreciate it if a diagram could be made so people can reference it in the website.
You'd just need to connect Guitar > Rack Gizmo > Amp; FX send > Effect Gizmo > FX return. MIDI cable from the MIDI Thru of the Rack Gizmo to the MIDI In of the Effect Gizmo.

If you're using presets (ie programming from the front panels of the Gizmos themselves) then you don't need to run them on separate MIDI channels - they'll respond to program change commands equally well on the same channel. However, if you want to have any IA (instant access) switches, you'll want to run them on separate MIDI channels so you don't end up turning, say, loop 3 on both units on when you only wanted it on one. In Setup mode, you can change the CC values for the loops, but it's easiest just to stick the two units on different MIDI channels.