Remote controlling a PBC with a MMGT


Well-Known Member

I'm looking to remote control my PBC with a GT located at a second position on stage. Recalling presets using PC messages from the gt poses a problem, it works fine in normal mode, but in song/setlist mode it seems as if the PBC changes the preset numbers, is this correct? Any tips regarding this? I'd like to have the ability to change the setlist on the pbc without having to change all pc numbers on the GT.

Do you have any other tips regarding remote controlling a pbc from a GT?

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PC selection does work differently in song and setlist mode. Probably the best way to handle it is turn on "Bank selects Song" in MIDI settings on the PBC. On the GT, program it to send the song number in the bank box and send the preset slot number in the PC box (0 = first preset in the song, 1 = second preset in the song, etc.) That's the most reliable way to do it.

If you have "Bank selects Song" turned off, then if you send PC 12 (for example), it will find the first song that has PC 12 in it, and it loads the preset and song. This is described in more detail in the PBC manual.
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