Reset tuner and everything else when hit preset again


Hello- I'm an experienced gearhead but new to the MMGT 16. This thing is great! I can't believe how quick and easy it was to set everything up on it with my Axe Fx XL+ and three expression pedals using the editor and the board itself.
One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to get everything to reset on a preset change. Whenever I have effects turned on I just hit the preset button again to reset everything and turn the effects off. I figured out how to get the IA buttons to switch off for the most part but is there any way to get the tuner to turn off when hitting a preset button again? Right now I have the tuner set as a second/hold function on the IA mode button and as it's own switch in IA mode but they won't switch off when I hit the same preset, only when I change presets will it shut off automatically. I like for everything to reset to the default preset setting when I hit it again and there is probably something I'm missing so thanks for any help.
Turn on Send on Preset Change and Update on Preset Change for the tuner button, and that should fix it.
Thanks! I tried that for both of the tuner buttons though and the tuner on the hold button shut off on the Axe and the button screen itself but the main display is still showing the tuner function until I change presets. The tuner button in IA mode is doing the same thing so I must be missing something else.
I had a different answer, but I had missed the fact that you're trying to select the same preset again. Right now, there's nothing you can do about it except change presets, but in the next major release (available some time this month), there will be a setting that makes the 2nd press of a preset button reload the current preset, resetting the state of all IA butTons to the stored state. That should fix it.
Thanks! That's the only thing I have found that I need with this board- everything else is great.