Roadster & RG16 Problem



I have a Mesa roadster, a RG16 and the correct connection cable.

I connected the cables up correctly and pressed the 4 putton whilst turning on the RG16, however when I press the function button 1 nothing happens, but 2-8 seem to be working fine; am I doing something wrong?


What are you using to power your RG-16? Using 9VDC (instead of 9VAC or 12VDC) will cause some loops and/or switches to not work properly. If that's not the issue, then the issue could be in the cable or the RG-16 itself, and we'd have to investigate further.

Im using a 'Godlyke' PA9 power supply, should that work?

The light on the FS1 comes on but does trigger the switching.

Is there any other way of testing it?

The Godlyke power supply is 9VDC output - you'll need to find a 9VAC or 12VDC output power supply, then the problem should go away. (If not, let us know!)
Ah, I'll give it a go!

I was also wondering about controlling the RG16 with a Fractal MFC 101 through a axes fx. I have got the channels to switch, its just the instant access audio loops that im struggling with, has anyone here got them working?
