Saving EHX Hog 2 Preset


Active Member
Hi again !
With the PBC I manage to fully control my Hog... Except the presets that I cannot save

In the manual :
"You can save the Hog2 current setting by sending a message using Midi CC117. The data value that is sent along with MIDI CC117 will be the location that the preset is saved in. The Hog2 overwrites the old preset that was at this location.
For example, if you want to store your setting to preset number 3 send Midi CC117 with a data value equal to 3."

I want to use it with the Hold Fonction.
I take 2 pictures of the editor. I want to store the preset 82 But I'm too bad !!:(:(:(:(
mm1.PNG mm2.PNG
I've never used that pedal, but I'll try to help...

First of all, if you want to put that on the hold function, you need to delete the CC 117 from the normal button settings (as you show in the picture). Then, click Hold Function at the top of the screen. Add the CC 117 action there, but make sure the off value is None, and the on value is 82 (or whatever preset number you need). Turn off all checkboxes except make sure that Momentary is on.

With those settings, the PBC will send CC 117, value 82 when you hold that button for 2 seconds.