Scribble Strips for PBC


Well-Known Member
Would be amazing if a next-gen hardware PBC/10 came out with scribble strip support. That would be the one change that would make me pony up $$$ for a new HW version (assuming the same physical footprint). I know that is currently available on the MIDI controller, but it would be just great if it were supported on the PBC/10. Thanks!
+1000 here. I switched to the Morningstar mc6 pro and it’s wonderful having the visual feedback but programming it is much harder to me. I wish I could pay a fee to have a version of Ron’s software for the mc6 pro haha.
GigRig G3S just came out with scribble strips --- the gauntlet has been thrown down for RJM to do it now!!! Already preparing my letter to Santa to hopefully get this in a new PBC/10 by next Christmas. :) :) :) :)
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The GigRig one seems to be 2 screens short weirdly when I looked (on its left hand side). There's a lot more point to it on a PBC in my opinion, because it's a lot more flexible with its button and page layout and button control.

I definitely don't want this added to the PBC. Because I'm downsizing and moving away from a separate MIDI controller with LCDs per button+separate switchers, so I only just bought my PBC/10 so I'd be very jealous! ;)
Ugh, that's really cool. I'll say it again...I would buy a PBC 6/x with scribble strips the second I was able to get the funds together, price as no object.
The GigRig one seems to be 2 screens short weirdly when I looked (on its left hand side). There's a lot more point to it on a PBC in my opinion, because it's a lot more flexible with its button and page layout and button control.

I definitely don't want this added to the PBC. Because I'm downsizing and moving away from a separate MIDI controller with LCDs per button+separate switchers, so I only just bought my PBC/10 so I'd be very jealous! ;)
On a more serious note, if you ever do this and add it to the PBC/10, *PLEASE* don't increase the size/height/footprint of it. As I say, I just bought this so definitely not ready to replace it this soon, but would be very interested in future one day when I have more money spare if it came out. I came from FAMC controllers with an LCD per button + separate voodoo labs switchers + RJM MEG. So I appreciate being able to see the buttons current function. But if it grew larger it suddently wouldn't fit on my board or all the boards that currently have the PBC/10, Gigrig, or Boss switchers. The reason I got rid of that board was largely it's size and weight, so that counts too, as well as not wanting to have to buy+rebuild an entire board.