Send On Preset Change for Exp and Device +


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to turn on 'send on preset change' and 'update on preset change' for an expression pedal? I have button pages for my Ventris en Nemesis, and it would be cool to make an IA button that controls the Mix by Expression. To change those settings on the fly for a preset would be awesome. I have the feeling that this is not yet possible, correct?

I also have 'Device PC -' and 'Device PC +' on my pages, but they don't seem to save the preset I select when I store the preset. I have my 'Send On Preset Change' and 'Update On Preset Change On.'

Does this maybe have something to do with my Source Audio pedals only listening to one CC message at a time? Because My Nemesis and Ventris sometimes save the bypass state, and sometimes they do not. Maybe I'm firing to many CC's at one time? Is there anybody with these pedals that also had these problems?
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There are a few things you can do, but it depends on the details. If you're looking to send a specific expression pedal value when you load a preset, add a preset action that sends the expression pedal CC with a specific value.

Device PC-/+ should work, and should store when you do an IA Store. Do you have IA buttons that also send PCs to the pedal on preset change? That's the only thing I can think of that would interfere with Device PC sending.

Source Audio pedals for sure had a problem with receiving multiple MIDI messages, especially receiving messages immediately after a PC message. This was years ago, and I thought they had fixed it, but I haven't used one of their pedals in a long time and can't be sure about that. Maybe try doing firmware updates on the pedals?
There are also IA buttons PC with ‘send on preset change’ on it indeed. But I turned them off before I hit Dev PC -/+. I was under the impression that that would work
There are also IA buttons PC with ‘send on preset change’ on it indeed. But I turned them off before I hit Dev PC -/+. I was under the impression that that would work
It should, unless those buttons also send a PC when the button is turned off. The Off Value should be None if you don't want the buttons to send anything when the button is off.
Okay, right, I think I got it. I can save the Device PC-/+ state now but it doesn't turn on, so I thought to give the Device -/+ buttons an IA action to turn the pedal on, but somehow that doesn't work.
IA actions on non-IA buttons only run in IA mode. The whole thing is a bit more complicated than I'd like it to be. This video describes IA Mode: MIDI Controller Basics

You could try using an IA button with these actions:

PC off:None on:Up
CC Toggle Bypass #xxx off:None on:127

(you'll also need to turn on Momentary on this button)

That would bump up the PC number on a device, then also enable the pedal.