Set Tempo From Button + Limit Preset to Not not affect independent loops to change


Well-Known Member
Ron, 2 questions.
1 Is there a way to have a button set the tempo via midi to a strymon mobius or timeline?
2 I have a page where the bottom buttons recall presets for the base sound (Clean, boost, Lead,...) the top row has things like Chorus, Delay Tremolo, Phaser. These turn on the loop (Mobius or Timeline) and recall the appropriate patch on the device. I would like to maintain the state of those loops (mobius in loop3, and Timeline in loop 8) when I change the bottom button settings. Is there a way to tell a loop to not respond to preset requests?

Thanks LBC
Currently, you can set up a button to do tap tempo, which is sent to a pedal. But, at the moment, there's no way to assign a specific BPM number tempo to a button. Currently, there's no way to make loops unaffected by preset changes. Both things you're asking for are planned for 4.0.