Setting that prevents a device from scrolling PC with Presets?


Well-Known Member
Im having an odd issue where selecting presets does not send program change messages to only Device 2, a Chase Bliss MOOD.

I can setup a switch on another page to PC Scroll + with the MOOD, so I know the channel is set correctly and it’s working.

I’ve also checked the PC number for MOOD in each preset via the editor to verify that it’s incrementing there...

Right now I had to move MOOD to device slot 10 and it’s now working as expected. Is there any setting that would cause device 2 not to scroll with Preset changes?
Check to see if you have an IA button that sends a PC message to the device - if that IA button also has Send on Preset Change turned on, it will send its PC message every time you change, and that will override any PC sent from the preset.