Show specific presets/bank for Button Page


Hey guys,

I'm using a GT16 to control my effects rack and amp switching.
So for each of the possible 4 amps that can be hooked up to the rack I've created a specific button page.

What I would like the GT16 to do now is display only presets (or banks) that correspond directly with this amp. I'm not sure how to do this.

Does anyone have an answer?

How many presets do you have for each amp? That will help determine the answer.
It depends on the amp. Somewhere between 4 and 12. Those numbers could change though. I've had to update for a few new songs so the preset numbers are growing
Would I need to have a multiple of the number of presets in a bank per amp to make it work?

If you need more than one bank of presets per amp, then we don't really have a slick solution for you yet. What we really need is a way to set limits on the Bank buttons so that they only select a certain range of banks (or presets). That's something that will probably be implemented in the future.

For now, the only thing we can do is use fixed preset buttons on a page - you can use IA buttons with preset actions to call up specific presets. These buttons call up a specific preset and ignore bank settings. This is good because you know exactly what preset you will get when you step on the button, but you can't change the presets the buttons access by stepping on the bank buttons.
Oh I see. That could probably work for now. I'll see how far I can get with it.
If a preset range selection would be available in a future release that would be great!!