Song menu.


Well-Known Member
I started playing with this feature for the 1st time as our band is in progress and there is a set list, kind off.

I programed one switch to be "Song menu" and another to "preset menu" so I can go back fast and easy to presets as that’s the way I was working all the time.

However it looks like when hitting preset menu, it doesn’t go back totally to presets but shows all the presets, one for each switch (I use bottom row for presets and other switches are IA), only after clicking few random presets I get to familiar layout..

In short: I would like to have one switch to take me to song mode (got it) and one song to take me back to the regular preset layout.

The Song Menu and Preset Menu buttons bring up a menu that allows you to select from the list of songs or presets, respectively, but they don't switch modes from setlist to preset.

Set up a button as type IA, turn on the Momentary checkbox, add an action to the button that's type System / Setlist. Either select a setlist number (to have the button enter setlist mode), or click the "..." button and select "None" to have the button go to preset mode.