Song Title not displaying in Song/Setlist mode


Active Member
Hi guys,

This may be a dumb question, I'm sure I'm just missing a setting, but I'm new to the PBC (just got mine today) and I have a question:

In song/setlist mode, on my presets page, the screen on the PBC does not display the song name. I've put presets in a couple songs, put those songs into a setlist, loaded up the setlist and activated song/setlist mode, but I always have this the screen in the picture i've attached...

Is there a way to display the song name on the top portion of the PBC screen? As as side note, it does display the song name when switching between songs... So I know it's in there somewhere...

Thanks in advance for the help!


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If you have a page name defined, it will display the page name instead of song name. If you clear out the page name, then your song names will appear.