Strymon midi changes

David wyman

New Member
I just got my mastermind pbc the other day so I'm doing research as I sit in bed at the hospital!midi is completely new to me.with strymon after I set the midi channel number for each device do I have to give a number for each preset I use off the device or when making a preset for a button I turn that loop on then change to the preset I want on that pedal by going to preset manually on the pedal then finish picking my loops for that preset then save the preset as normal?
First of all...hope you get better from whatever put you there!

Use the editor software to set things up. Set MIDI channels on the Strymon pedals and then match that on the Devices tab in the editor. Then, when creating presets inside the editor, when you want to change the Strymon to a different preset, just check the box for the device (Timeline for instance) and tell it which PC number to go to. For example, Bank 07-A would be PC #14....Bank 20-B would be PC #41....etc.

You save that, send to the PBC and now when you change to that preset on the PBC, the Timeline (or whatever pedal we're talking about) will follow. Hope this helps.