Switching multiple blocks at once on Line6 HX stomp / FX


Active Member
awhile back I had my LT connected to an HX FX. I found that if I assigned two blocks to the same MIDI cc (let’s say distortion and EQ) sometimes it would only switch one. I eventually traded up to an HX stomp, but I’m feeling limited by 3 scenes per preset, so I’m wondering it there is a way to do this more reliably. Do I need to introduce some kind of delay in the MIDi stream? Assign different CCs to each block and then send multiple CCs at once? Thank you.
I'm not sure where the limitation is coming from. The LT is not likely to be the problem.

You could try this: in the Devices tab, turn on Direct Send for the HX FX device. Then, on your buttons, add System / Wait actions to add some time between CC messages. try 100 or 200 milliseconds and see if that helps at all.