Using Kemper stereo FX Loop return


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Kemper is arriving today, and I was curious if any of you have used the Kemper's ability to use a stereo
FX loop return (from the Kemper: mono send, stereo return). I'd like to do this using the PBC and was curious how it's accomplished.

I'm using the PBC for this! Works great. I have my drives in L1-6, then out pbc 5-6 to the font of the Kemper. In the Kemper i had the stereo FX loop in the "x" slot which is after the amp section. From the back of the Kemper I use the direct out to a volume pedal then back to the PBC In 7-10. From there I got thru several time based FX from 7-10 in stereo. From the outputs 1 and 2 I send stereo back to the Kemper's return input (L) and alternate input (R). This will work in stereo when you add the stereo FX loop to the "x" block. I like to add about 1.5 db to the return on the kemper block to help keep the signal strong. Just make sure you read Ron's article on which buttons to press on the back of the PBC for stereo. Hope that helps!!
Okay, so here's how I had to wire it up to the Kemper. I'm using a PBC that normally junctions to my amps via a XTS Interfacer that XTS wired up to be Stereo or Dual Mono:

Kemper: Interfacer
Front input: Output A
Rear Return: FX Send
Rear Send: FX Return
Alt. Input: Output B

Works perfectly!