
Terry Richalds

Well-Known Member
So if I am to understand a PBC W/D/W setup correctly - I would need to configure my PBC to feed 3 amps as follows...

GTR > Compressor > PBC...

L2) Fuzz
L3) OD
L4) OD
L5) OD
L6) >>> Guitar Amplifier (Dry)

L7) Modulation (Parallel & Kill Dry)
L8) Delay (Parallel & Kill Dry)
L9) Delay (Parallel & Kill Dry)
L10) Reverb (Parallel & Kill Dry)

Output A > Left Guitar Amplifier (100% Wet)
Output B > Right Guitar Amplifier (100% Wet)

So as a person who prefers my volume pedal after my Overdrives for delay/reverb swells... where would I need to place my volume pedal? Between OUT 1-4 and IN 5-6?? Right now it's between OUT 5-6 and IN 7-10 but that would no longer work would it because it wouldn't turn down the Dry signal being fed via Loop 6 to my mono amplifier?
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If I was to turn off my Dry signal on the PBC - would that make it so ONLY my wet amps would receive sound - or would I need to disengage Loop 6 because my mono (Dry) amplifier would still be receiving audio?
If you're sending a signal back from the dry amp back to loops 7-10, then the volume pedal will affect the dry amp and also the signal that's being fed to the wet effects.
Uh oh... I must be understanding things wrong... :(
Do I HAVE to send a Dry signal BACK from my mono amp to the PBC?
I thought if I sent my Dry line from Loop 6 that Loops 7-10 would still get signal...
Sorry for the constant back and forth
They will get signal, but it will be the direct guitar signal. Typically, in a wet/dry/wet system you want the sound of the dry amp to be present on the wet side, which requires sending the signal back from an effect loop send or line out from the amp to In 7-10.

However, if you do want to run guitar -> dry effects -> wet effects -> wet amp, you can do it. The volume pedal makes it more complicated, though. You'll need to connect it like this:

Out 5-6 -> Volume Pedal -> Y cable to In 7-10 AND dry amp input.