Function switch and loops


I'm a fairly new pbc 6x user. I have a JHS Kilt which has a remote jack to flip to a higher gain setting. My current set up is the Kilt is in loop 4 for then I set up button 6 (L6) to control function 1. This set up works fine, but was wondering if I could do it differently and have each one button be loop on and function 1 on, and the other button just be loop on. Almost like having two separate pedals - click L6 button for a high gain pedal (Loop with func 1 on), click Loop 4 (Loop with func 1 off).

I tried setting the L6 button to control the Kilt loop (loop 4) AND the function switch 1. This kind of works but not independently enough with this functionality. I'm thinking I need some sort of group.

On the loops page...

Here's the functionality I'd like
All loops off..
1. Click L6 - Turns on Loop 4 and flips on Func 1 - L6 led on
2. Click L3 - Leaves loop 4 on, turns func 1 off - L3 led on, L6 led off (currently it turns off Loop 4, L3 led off and func 1 on, L6 led still on)
3. Click L6 - Leaves loop 4 on, turns func 1 on - L6 led on, L3 led off
4. Click L6 - Turns loops 4 off, turns func 1 off - L6 led off
All loops off..
1. Click L3 - Turns on loop 4 - L3 led on
2. Click L6 - Leaves loop 4 on, turns func 1 on - L6 led on, L3 led off (currently leaves loop 4 and L3 led's on, and turns on func 1 and L6 led)
3. Click L3 - Leaves loop 4 on, turns func 1 off - L3 led on, L6 led off
4. Click L3 - turns loop 4 off, func 1 remains off - L3 led off

I'm hoping that makes sense.


  • New RJM - 10-15-22.rjs
    1.7 MB · Views: 1
It seems like what you're missing is that you need to turn off IA Link on those two buttons so they no longer follow the states of the loops they control. When you press L6 now, loop 4 turns on. With IA Link enabled on L3, that button also turns on because the L3 button controls loop 4. So, the next press on L3 turns off the button and loop 4.

Try turning off IA Link on those buttons. You'll also need to add a loop 4 action to the L6 button.
Thanks - I'm getting closer, still not quite right. Turned off IA Links for both buttons, but it still didn't function as desired. I also tried putting them both in group 1, that gets even a little closer.

Setting - both in Group 1, allow all buttons off setting, IA links off
- Click L6 on, click L6 off, click L3 on, clickL3 off, and back and forth - works as desired (L6 enables Loop 4 & F1, L3 enables Loop 4)
- If I click L6 on, then click L3 - it leaves F1 on and disables Loop 4 - I want the reverse leaving Loop 4 on and disable F1

Just IA Links off - no group
- Click L6 on, click L6 off, click L3 on, clickL3 off, and back and forth - works as desired (L6 enables Loop 4 & F1, L3 enables Loop 4)
- If I click L6 on, then click L3 - it leaves F1 on and Loop 4 on
- If I click L3 on, then click L6 - it enables F1 and Loop 4, but leaves the L3 led on

I feel like there's a magic setting, but just can't find it. But it's hard to make the logic binary so it may not.