Issues with Source Audio Collider

Looking for help/workaround for the collider.
Currently I use a page to select which collider CC to send for each preset. These are grouped and only send "on" msgs.
I also have a page to select expression pedal settings (one is collider EXP.). Separate group and set to send off msgs but for the collider I checked "on" Msg only.

No matter what settings I change I'm not having luck getting the expression setting to work per preset for the collider only. Hoping to figure out a work around even if its clunky.
^Update- finally found my way to making it work. Instead of relying on the group on/off messages I needed to add a specific off message for the collider exp. message and before it I added a 600 ms wait message. I also made use of the global exp. block which I think helped in some way as well. If only the collider could receive multiple midi messages pfew!
Thanks for the update! The need for that delay has been an issue for years, I was hoping they had fixed it, but apparently not...